This article is to help rectify and already highly discussed topic. We aim to bring back the deep rooted history of baseball to the African-American community. In 1981, Black baseball players were at an all time high of 18.7% in Major League Baseball. As years progressed baseball has expanded its influence across the globe but has not rectified the decline in Black Americans. As of 2017 black baseball players represent 7.7% of major leaguers; this disparity has caused a shift in fans and young athletes wanting to be apart of the game. By creating this campaign we aim to REVIVE, REDEFINE, and REPRESENT for black and browns playing baseball across the globe. We hope to empower, inspire and motivate beginning, amateur, collegiate and Professionals alike.
Video Credit: Revolt TV
Things to look forward to throughout this campaign:
Original Stories
and more,
What we support and believe:
We believe that baseball is a universal sport and should represented in that manner.
We believe in working hard to change the narrative associated with baseball in Black Brown Communities that “Baseball is a white man sport”.
We believe in educating, acknowledging, respecting and celebrating our History in baseball.
We believe in building up players, coaches, and communities self-esteem, by showing that there is a nation of like minded people.
We make space for multigenerational’s to play their part in this GAME.
We encourage comrades to educate themselves and connect with the cause.
We believe in showing prodigious support for women in baseball and softball as they have played and continue to be a vital role in baseball/softball history.
We will use the proceeds to start and support elementary, day care centers, Middle, and High School baseball programs in underprivileged communities. (Pending pandemic)
We will highlight programs, players, and coaches that are pioneers to the cause.
We believe that all Black and Brown players matter not just in the states but nationwide.
We will play our part in build long-lasting relationships with members, partners, Organizations, supporters, and volunteers.
We understand that everyone who has been blessed to play or spectate the game has a unique experience and deserves to be heard.
We will terminate every plan to mitigate our past and present voice.
TikTok: @MBBA1920
Twitter: @MBBA1920
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