Take the pledge to apply sustained EFFORT. Set a positive example as an educator, student, student-athlete, coach, City or State Representative and or parent BE THE CHANGE in your circle of influence.
To participate in our #GOTEFFORT campaign, fill out and submit the form here to receive your certificate for pledging. We are challenging you to apply sustained effort no matter what obstacles you may face.
Problem: It has been a very hush topic discussed around the Education world. But many teachers have been known to collect a check without applying more effort to connect with their students.
We are asking teachers this year to try and connect with their students on a more personal level.
Meet with a struggling student either before school or 30 mins after school to make sure the student understands the lesson.
Call parents and tell them how well their son or daughter is performing in class.
State/City Representatives (Politicians)
Problem: A survey in 2014 showed that 83% of Americans actually believed that “most politicians” kept the promises they made on the campaign trail.
Keep your word!
Remember the people that put you there and their concerns.
Problem: About 31% of High School students said they've experienced poor mental health most or all of the time. In the survey, “poor mental health” includes stress, anxiety and depression.
Get involved with extracurricular activities.
Join a school support group.
Focus on your why.
Talk to a trusted adult, teacher, counselor, and or minister.
Look to gain new hobbies
Join GGIYAP- GGI Nation Youth Ambassador Program
We are so excited to make this pledge with you along with hundreds of others. If we all play our part we will make our communities a better and stronger place to work, play and stay.
Now it's time to take the pledge!