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Coronavirus VS High school Sports

High School Baseball season is officially in the books in Palm Beach County.

I've been a high school baseball coach for the last 15-16yrs and have never seen anything like this, the coronavirus has effected us all. No matter how much money or influence you have you are not immune! Dare I say “the playing field is equal”. To most of the community (world) sports is an afterthought but on the same token it’s how most kids make it out. Most of my guys will never play baseball again on an organized team. Even-though the season looked to be going down hill with injuries, we started off ok. Teams like mine have been in the winds of all the major high school teams in the county for the last 20yrs, we needed the games and practice days desperately. However, we won’t let this stop us from moving forward and taking this time as an opportunity to get better prepared mentally and physically. My young men and I started a group chat and we say or share whatever we feel will help the team. Sometimes we joke, sometimes we say how we really feel, we share motivational quotes but the majority of the time we are challenging each other. We also have a google classroom set up with assignments and drills to work on. Obviously, it kind of hard to see who’s actually doing the physical part but we’ve just stared showing clips of individuals doing their routines. It’s not a matter of lack of athleticism but mentality. The focus for my guys and I are simple don’t let the words “I’ll do it tomorrow hunt you today”. Come to

think of it the coronavirus is actually helping my young men and I to connect on a more personal level and we are becoming closer. It’s really important that I help my young men understand the importance of taking what you have and making the best of it, then finding away to make it better!

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